Bulletin Announcements – 21 February 2016

  • INVITE: February Friends – please invite your friends and family to join us this month as Sam Chan speaks on some of the big questions in life.

           Why doesn’t God make himself more obvious?  

           Why is there only one way to God?


Pray that your friends and family who do not know Jesus will respond to your invitation to come.


  • WSCCC will host a Safe Ministry Training for our members who are involved in children and youth ministry within or outside our church. It will be on 27 February 2016 with Andrew Bardsley at Strathfield Upper Hall. Safe Ministry Essentials will run from 10am-4pm for those who have not completed any training and Safe Ministry Refresher will run from 10am-12.30pm for those who need to refresh their training. This training is free for our members. Please contact Liza Mihardja (lmmihardja@yahoo.com or 0406 363067) for registration.


  • Attention to ladies of ALL ages!!! Want to consume some delectable morning tea?  Want to hear how God was at work during the teenage years in the lives of 3 very different ladies?  Want to have fellowship with other ladies from the congregation?  If you said yes to any of the above, please come and join us at our first Ladies Fellowship event for  the year:

Date: Sunday 6/3/16

Time: 10:30am-12pm

Venue: Strathfield Girls’ High School, Enter through Oxford St Carpark Entrance, Ground Floor,

1 Oxford Street, Strathfield.

Ladies of all ages are invited and encouraged to come. For more info, please contact Jocelyn Lin  jocelynl@optusnet.com.au

  • Tea with the Teachers: Meet the Scripture teachers at your local high schools. Find out how you can be involved in SRE in 2016! Sunday 13th March, 2pm-3pm, followed by afternoon tea At Burwood Presbyterian Church (46-48 Belmore St, Burwood).


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10 NIV)

Jesus here refers to himself as the Son of Man (an Old Testament term to describe God’s chosen king) who came to seek and save the lost. Jesus said these words after a rich man named Zacchaeus gave half his wealth away to the poor and then some. He did this because his encounter with Jesus showed him just how lost he had become with the idol of wealth. Actually, all of us are lost in a similar way because there are many idols out there: power, wealth, comfort, approval, romance, body image, control, achievement, family, and even religion! The sad fact is an idol is anything other than God that gives our life meaning or self worth. “But what’s wrong with that?”; someone might ask. Well, tragically idols never satisfy. They always leave us wanting more like a supermodel feeling she’s never beautiful enough, or a millionaire thinking he hasn’t made it until he’s a billionaire, or simply a mother always needing to be needed. Idols in the end leave us feeling empty, never satisfied, always insecure but Jesus (God’s chosen king) on the other hand is the only One who can fill us, satisfy us, and make us secure.

from pastor Ariel