Bulletin Announcements – 14 February 2016

WSCCC will host a Safe Ministry Training for our members who are involved in children and youth ministry within or outside our church. It will be on 27 February 2016 with Andrew Bardsley at Strathfield Upper Hall. Safe Ministry Essentials will run from 10am-4pm for those who have not completed any training and Safe Ministry Refresher will run from 10am-12.30pm for those who need to refresh their training. This training is free for our members. Please contact Liza Mihardja (lmmihardja@yahoo.com or 0406 363067) for registration.

INVITE: February Friends – please invite your friends and family to join us this month as Sam Chan speaks on some of the big questions in life.

  • Why are religious people jerks?
  • Why doesn’t God make himself more obvious?  
  • Why is there only one way to God?

Pray that your friends and family who do not know Jesus will respond to your invitation to come.

Attention to ladies of ALL ages!!!  Want to consume some delectable morning tea?  Want to hear how God was at work during the teenage years in the lives of 3 very different ladies?  Want to have fellowship with other ladies from the congregation?  If you said yes to any of the above, please come and join us at our first Ladies Fellowship event for the year:

Date: Sunday 6/3/16

Time: 10:30am-12pm

Venue: Strathfield Girls’ High School, Enter through Oxford St Carpark Entrance, Ground Floor, 1 Oxford Street, Strathfield.

Ladies of all ages are invited and encouraged to come. For more info, please contact Jocelyn Lin jocelynl@optusnet.com.au


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. (Romans 7:18-19 NIV)

Our sinful nature is a foul beast, it causes us to do evil things and brings anguish to our hearts. No good it is and no good comes from it. It contains nothing of value. It is a worthless, ill, and nasty thing. An abhorrence to God and a horror to our Lord Jesus. Yet, it lives within us; guiding and shaping, manipulating and suffocating us. It stifles our good intentions, it frustrates our godly souls, it smothers the Spirit of God within us. At times I can just feel it crushing my soul, distressing my mind. Like Paul my good intentions can quickly turn bad. Which one of us can say we are immune from our sinful nature? If we did it would be a lie. In v25 Paul eventually concludes that he desperately needs Jesus to save him but before any of us can conclude the same we must first admit that we’re so desperately lost without him!

         from pastor Ariel