Covid-19 Safe management plan, V10, 6 October 2020

Download a printable version of this plan.

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to be a time of great challenge for the world, and in NSW we are also facing a second wave of infections. As a church, our priorities remain:

  • To honour God in all we do, seeking to grow Christians spiritually, and continue to share the gospel of hope and joy.
  • To continue ministry but in necessarily new and adaptive forms. Our priority is faithful preaching of God’s Word.
  • We recognize that fellowship and unity are important, but to be nurtured in new ways.
  • Our desire is to return to on-site services for all members of all congregations.
  • Health and protection of our members is a high priority, especially the elderly, and we will comply with the NSW Government guidelines regarding meetings and hygiene.

This Covid-19 Management Plan forms the policy by which our church will operate our activities during the Covid period. The plan is updated regularly, as per government directives, and all members (especially leaders and coordinators of events) must comply with these rules.

New changes to these rules (compared to the previous version) have been marked in red.

WSCCC has been registered with the NSW Government as a Covid Safe Organisation.

Provisional reintegration of worship services

Service Date for return to on-site services Service time Also available on-line via
Strathfield English (S9) Oct 25 9am Sundays YouTube livestream
Strathfield English (4:30) Oct 18 4:30pm Sundays YouTube
Strathfield Cantonese (combined) Oct 18 10:30am Sundays YouTube livestream
Strathfield Mandarin July 10:30am Sundays Zoom
Croydon Park Mandarin (CPM) Nov 7 4:30pm Saturdays at Strathfield YouTube livestream
Croydon Park English (CP10) TBA TBA Zoom
Children’s Sunday School TBA 9am Sundays (TBC)

Rules for bookings (as of 6 October, 2020)

  • All activities on-site, including pre-existing ministries, must be first approved by a deacon or pastor, and availability booked through Gigi.
  • Worship services have priority.
  • Bookings must state the expected number of attendees. Total people on site must not exceed 105.
  • No bookings by external organisations until further notice.
  • Strict adherence to hygiene checklist, as per below, must be adhered to.

Maximum numbers and social distancing

  1. The maximum number of people allowable on the whole site is 1 per 4sqm. For WSCCC Strathfield (687sqm) this is calculated to be 172 people; however the current cap is 105 people (100 plus 5 staff/leaders) on the whole site. This includes children.
  2. Social distancing of 1.5m between people must be maintained. Exceptions:
    1. Family members to each other. Therefore social distancing applies 1.5m between each family/couple etc.
    2. Children/youth from each other (but adults to stay 1.5m from children).
  3. Maximum number allowed in each room/hall is now determined by:
    • 1.5m distance between families/couples. Families/couples should sit together. Eg, if there are many families/couple, then a higher total number of people can fit in that room.
  4. There is now no limit to how many groups or rooms are on site at one time, as long as the total number on site is 105 or less, and 1.5m social distancing is observed.
    1. On booking an activity (with Gigi), the number of attendees must be stated, so as to allow other groups to also use the church.
  5. There is to be no overlap of groups between timeslots. That means each group must vacate the premises promptly before the next group arrives. There are also to be no early arrivals if there is an earlier group booking on site.

Practical social distancing measures

  1. Informal fellowship: 1.5m between people/couples.
    1. As per NSW guidelines, mingling is discouraged.
    2. Attendees are encouraged to be seated, not standing around.
    3. There is to be no mingling on the lawn outside church.
  2. No more than 2 people in the church elevator.
  3. Singing:
    1. Congregational singing is not permitted.
    2. Performance singing (by music team only, on stage) is permissible, but must be 5m from the audience. Maximum of 5 singers on stage.
    3. Singing in children’s ministry (primary age and below) is allowed. However, not for youth groups yet.
  4. Physical contact.
    1. No hand shaking or hugging.
    2. No distribution of shared Bibles, bulletins, offering bags, platters.
  5. Car-rides home:

Appropriate measures should also be followed if providing other church members lifts to and from church activities. Cars should contain no more than 4 persons at one time.

Hygiene checklist – to be followed by all groups

  1. A leader/coordinator is to be listed as responsible for each activity on site. They will be responsible for all of the following.
  2. Mandatory attendance register for all attendees:
    1. Sheet/book at entrance.
    2. All attendees must provide name, email, and phone number.
    3. Limits to number of attendees must be strictly adhered to.
    4. At the end of the event, please remove the page and place under office door for Gigi to keep for 28 days.
  3. Temperatures to be checked (by a designated person) for attendees.
  4. Face masks must be worn by all adult attendees at all church events on site (not just services). Individuals must provide their own masks.
    1. Exceptions who may remove masks: individuals speaking on stage during video recording (preachers, chairpersons, songleaders, people praying, Bible readers). These people must demonstrate an obvious minimum 1.5m distance from other people.
    2. Youth group attendees of school age (ie Glue, but not uni) may choose to wear masks if they wish (or not), as per the same guidelines for attending school. Leaders must wear masks.
  5. Hand sanitizer will be provided by church at each hall or entrance.
  6. Leaders of that event must organise someone to:
    1. Wipe down common surfaces prior to event.
    2. After event, using disinfectant available, wipe down tables, chairs, door handles, and handrails. If used, also music equipment, AV and elevator buttons.
    3. Those people cleaning must wear gloves and use disinfectant.

Food service

  1. Morning tea/supper – only pre-packaged food.
  2. Group meals on site:
    1. No cooking on site.
    2. Food must be prepared off-site, sealed and pre-packaged for each individual. Food preparation guidelines apply to storage, temperature and delivery.
    3. No pot-luck meals to be served.
    4. No communal food to be served/shared or dished out by servers, eg pizza, noodles etc.
  3. Tea and coffee are permissible.
  4. Heating personal meals (for self only) via microwave are permissible.

Home-based ministries

  1. We encourage church members to maintain fellowship and ministry activities at homes.
  2. Our guidelines are:
    1. As per NSW recommendations, maximum 20 visitors to one home (excluding the host family).
    2. People with symptoms, travel history or exposure to Covid-positive people should NOT attend others’ homes.
    3. Maintain 1.5m between families/couples.
    4. Maintain similar hygiene measures as per on site ministries.

Attendees who develop symptoms

  • Symptomatic members:
    1. Members should not attend if they have respiratory symptoms or fever, and should be tested for Covid.
  • If a member tests positive after a church event:
    1. Appropriate medical care for the person as advised by Covid clinic.
    2. Close contacts (as advised by Dept of Health) should be tested for Covid, and be quarantined for 14 days. All church members are encouraged to download the CovidSafe app so they know if they are exposed.
    3. Announcements to be made to church members, especially those who have attended the same events as the affected person.
    4. Diaconate to consider closing church building, or that service, for 2, 7 or 14 days.
    5. Thorough cleaning of premises.