Bulletin Announcements – 6 March 2016

  • Today: Attention to ladies of ALL ages!!!

            Want to consume some delectable morning tea?  

           Want to hear how God was at work during the teenage years in the lives of 3 very different ladies?  

           Want to have fellowship with other ladies from the congregation?  

If you said yes to any of the above, please come and join us at our first Ladies Fellowship event for the year:

Date: Today 6/3/16

Time: 10:30am-12pm

Venue: Strathfield Girls’ High School, Enter through Oxford St Carpark Entrance, Ground Floor, 1 Oxford Street, Strathfield.

Ladies of all ages are invited and encouraged to come.


  • The Inner West Scripture Team is working to give high school students quality teaching on Christian beliefs through SRE. Come along to find out about this exciting work and enjoy a nice afternoon tea at our ‘Tea with the teachers’ event: When? Sunday 13th March 2pm-3pm Where? Burwood Presbyterian Church (46-48 Belmore St, Burwood)



  • Baptism service: Our first Baptism Service this year is on the 22nd of May. If you want to get baptised or even thinking about it please hurry and talk with, ring, or email pastor Andrew Bardsley THIS week! This is because our baptism classes start next Sunday. He can be contacted on andrew.bardsley@gmail.com, or on 0434 968 551, or even face to face. Remember, if you’ve made a commitment to follow Jesus then you should be baptised.



Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. (1 Corinthians 1:4 NIV)

To whom are these words written? To humble, peaceable, pure, loving and godly Christians? Certainly not! The Corinthian church was full of proud, divisive, debaucherous, immature, and promiscuous Christians. Therefore, on what grounds does Paul thank God for this bunch of wild and wicked believers? On the grounds of their character? I don’t think so! On the grounds of their obedience? You have to be joking! On the grounds of their works? Never! Paul thanks God for them solely on the grounds of God’s grace given them in Christ Jesus. That is why when you stand there a sinner, sometimes even a hypocrite, on a Sunday morning singing songs of praise that you can still be thanked for in Jesus’ grace. It is also why when your pastor all puffed up with knowledge, sometimes even pride, writes devotions for you to read that he can still be thanked for in Jesus’ grace. Oh, what a wonderful thing it is to be found and thanked for in Jesus’ grace!

from pastor Ariel