Bulletin Announcements – 15 November 2015

  • To introduce our church to our community, we will be distributing Christmas cards and invitations to our church for residents throughout Strathfield, by a letterbox drop. We are looking for volunteers who can help out on Sunday Dec 6, in pairs. If you can help, please see Louis Wong.
  • Together with other local churches, our church will be part of the annual Christmas in Burwood Park outreach, to be held on Saturday Dec 12. We are looking for volunteers who can help with evangelistic chats with enquirers, kids’ activities, and setting/packing up. If you can spare an hour between 5-9pm, that would be appreciated. For more information see Louis Wong.
  • CPM will be having a special baptismal service today, the service time will change to 1pm and will be using CP@10 hall. The baptism candidates are: XU XiaoXue, ZHOU YuQiong, TANG MeiQing, GAO Ya, YU Le, JiQing GUO.
  • Baptism Service will be held on the 22nd November 12:30pm at WSCCC Strathfield (Chapel). Please come along and support those who will be making a public declaration of their faith in Jesus. English: Sarah Chen, Joshua Ho, Kelvin Ho, Samuel Lo, Athene Luo, Edward Tang,Yiting Wang,Calvin Yeung; Cantonese: Ada Law, Barry Mar, Ping Yip; Mandarin: Jing Guo, JianQiang Liu, YuanGuan Liu, HaiXia Qiao, WenYing Xie. Confirmation (English): Josiah Holik, Rebecca Sit.
  • 29th of November: A service for the entire family; kids, parents, and grandparents. Full of fun, fantastic music, engaging storytelling, and God’s Word. A great service to invite your friends to, especially if they have kids!


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” (Acts 7:59 NIV)

How does one die well? How does one exit this life properly? I once worked in a nursing home and part of my job was to make people feel comfortable and to just be with them as they passed away.  It was an immense privilege yet I watched some people die in denial; they just couldn’t believe it was their time to go. Some died in fear; they were scared of what lay ahead. Some died in anger; they wanted to live more but weren’t going to. Some died in regret; sad at missed opportunities they let pass by. And on those rare occasions I watched some people die in peace; they were just happy their time was up and happy to go. As Christians how should we die? Stephen here gives us an example of a Christian who didn’t have much time to prepare and was dying a painfully horrible death. And how does he die? One, he accepts it’s his time to go. Two, he calls Jesus Lord which means he trusts in his sovereignty. And three, he dies with confidence and peace giving over his spirit to Jesus. Wouldn’t it be great to die like this minus the stones?

from Pastor Ariel