Bulletin Announcements – 27 September 2015

  • Sunday school Holiday program is on for today and 4 October for children up to Year 4. We encourage Year 5 and 6 children to join our 9am English service. Term 4 will start on 11 October. Term 4 for Play Group will start on 13 October (Tuesday).
  • Notice is hereby given to all members of the church for the Annual General Meeting, called by the Diaconate, on Sunday, October 4 at 12:30pm at the Chapel of WSCCC Strathfield. All members please see the ushers after the service for a copy of the WSCCC Annual Report (one copy per family please) and the AGM Agenda.
  • Daylight saving time starts next Sunday, so set your clocks forward one hour!
  • Phil, Irene & Matthew Nicholson – our missionaries in Taiwan are back in Sydney for home assignment. A welcome lunch will be held on 18th Oct, 12:30pm at here, Strathfield. Please bring some food to share. There will be boiled rice provided. Please come along to hear from Phil & Irene about their ministry, how to pray for the people of Taiwan and encourage them.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

“Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep… That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies;…” (Joshua 7:11-12 NIV)

A very sobering two verses indeed. Quite often we just feel sorry for Israel without considering how these verses might apply to us. So, have you ever considered that God might not be blessing you or your ministry because of your sin! I come across Christians all the time, I know cause I can be one of them, who have the idea they didn’t put enough effort in. “If only I prayed more! If only I read my Bible everyday!” And then immediately conclude that’s why God didn’t bless them. But not once did they consider the fact they might have made it impossible for God to bless them because of their sin. Let me ask you this: what do you think will make mum and dad more upset? The fact that you forgot to put the rubbish out or that you wilfully ignored their advice and put it in the wrong spot. What would hurt you more? That your friend forgot your birthday or that they remembered but didn’t buy you a present because they were stingy? You might forget to pray, read your bible, but when you ignore God’s commands, well that’s a different matter altogether, is it not? Consider it for just a moment and repent if you need to.

from Pastor Ariel