Bulletin Announcements – 10 May 2015

  • Baptism Service will be held on the 24th May 12pm at WSCCC Strathfield (Chapel). Please come along and support those who will be making a public declaration of their faith in Jesus. English: Sophie Chen, Joseph Cheng, Wendy Gao, Calvin Law, Vincent Leung, Veronica Tsang; Cantonese: Po Ling Cheng; Mandarin: Tian Ming Chen, Cherry Du, Li Yi Long, Zhe Hao Lu, Kevin Song, Li Fen Wang, Mei Xu, Ruo Xi Xu. Confirmation (English): Jackson Tjhay, Yenny Tjhay.
  • GlueStick Cafe: Our exciting youth gospel event GlueStick Cafe 2015 is on this Friday night (15/5), with special guest speaker Steve Chong. This is a great opportunity for youth to invite friends.
  • Youth Camp: Our WSCCC Youth Camp is on July 3-6, 2015 (6pm Friday to 1pm Monday) on the theme of ‘Eternity’. Where: Blue Gum Lodge. Price: Early Bird – $160 (ends 31st May) Normal Rate – $180 (ends 14th June). See Pearlie Zhang at Glue, Andrew Lim at Stick. For more information see Dickson Wu or Andrew Bardsley.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. (2 Peter 1:16 NIV)

Peter addresses Jesus here with his full title; Lord (master) Jesus (God saves) Christ (God’s chosen King). He does so to emphasise exactly who he’s talking about; no mere mortal man. However, he begins by saying; “we did not follow cleverly devised stories”, now what does that mean? Obviously, a made up story to begin with. Indeed, the word for “stories” could be translated as fable, myth, or tale. In the end, a false account. So Peter wants them to know that “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power” was not made up! But there’s more to it than just that; for he adds in there “cleverly devised”. Now, that word carries with it the meaning of being cunning, to sinisterly invent. Peter is saying that the disciples did not invent a cunning story to trick people. Instead, he simply states; “but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” An eyewitness account is the opposite to a made up story. One is true, the other false. Therefore, you can be assured of this – your faith is true for it is based on truth – a real person called the Lord Jesus Christ.

                  from Pastor Ariel