Bulletin Announcements – 9 February 2014

Today:  Four Keys to Happiness – Freedom – we continue the second in our series of 4 talks on happiness and Sam Chan will be speaking. Invite your friends, start the conversation with all your friends now on what is happiness and how we can find it?

CHURCH RETREAT: Growing Together, Serving Together! – Church Retreat on 14-16 March 2014 to be held at Stanwell Tops. Save the Date!  Registration starts today.

Children Ministry Announcement: Term 1 has started for Sunday school and Play Group. Please fill in the enrolment form for your children. Parents, please pick the children up from our Sunday school area right after the service. We also ask assistance from our congregations to keep the Sunday school area quiet and with minimum traffic during our Sunday school time. We value our children’s concentration during the session.

Ladies – Equip 14 (Why # Wise) is open for registration. Venue – Rose Hill Gardens, James Ruse Drive. You can register online http://www.equip.org.au/program/ or contact Solan for further information.

Baptism: Those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and desire to be baptised, please see Rev. Keith Noldt or a deacon about commencement of baptism classes.  The WS baptism service is in May.

We must thank God for His abundant grace because He has prepared for us a buyer for the property at 55, Boyle Street. This buyer will use the property for residential use and the exchange of contract has been taken place on 15 January. As the sales process is in progress at the moment, please refrain from using this property from now on and thank you for your co-operation.

Team Zambia Sharing Afternoon (2nd March -2pm to 4pm – WSCCC Strathfield Upper Hall). In January, a group from strathfield 9am went to Zambia for a short term mission trip. Find out about what we did and learnt at a special sharing on Sunday 2nd March.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

He guides me along the right paths for his names sake. (Psalm 23:3b NIV)

“He guides me…” At first to the ear this sounds lovely yet truth be told it is a deep struggle for us as our sinful souls would rather guide themselves. But listen to where God guides you – “…along the right paths…” Yes, it might not be your preferred paths but certainly it’s the best paths for you, paths that are righteous. And he does this “…for his name’s sake.” This is more than just bringing honour to his name, it is also a commitment to himself, a commitment he must keep. This is the truly wonderful thought here as God’s good guidance on your life is not based on your performance but a promise to himself! I need this perspective in my life because at times my performance lacks and this makes me feel unworthy when it shouldn’t. It also tells me God is for me in spite of my performance. What I find then is that these four simple words, “…for his name’s sake”, are a comfort to my soul and a mild rebuke to my achievements whatever they may be.

from Pastor Ariel