Bulletin Announcements – 25 June 2017

  • Missions Faith Promise Giving for 2017/18 commences today.  Please take the form, read carefully and pray how you may – with God’s provision – participate in this.  Complete the form and place the return slip in the offering bag next Sunday (2 July).
  • This year we have produced a Mission calendar to help us consistently pray for mission and our missionaries during our personal quiet time and family devotions.  Please take a copy for your household.
  • Pray for Short Termers – Jasmine Lepelaar (CP10) is in Fiji on a 4 week short term mission with Youthworks gap year program. News and prayer points can be found at  https://year13.net/parents/bula-blog/. Andrew Lin (English 9am) will be leaving on June 27 for South East Asia for a 3 week short term mission as part of SMBC’s gap year program (“The Bridge”).  Alex Tan (CP10) will be leaving in late July to volunteer at the Shelter Hostel in Amsterdam (http://www.shelterhostelamsterdam.com/) for one year. Please remember them in prayer, that God will protect them, help them to learn from the long term workers and to be salt & light where ever God might place them.
  • Parenting Course: First Light Care will be running a parenting course “Circle of Security”, aiming to help parents understand and respond to their child’s emotional needs. It is free for WSCCC members, but places are limited and the offer closes on 26/6/2017. For details see the flyer.