Bulletin Announcements – 25 October 2015

  • NextGen conference 2016 in Katoomba – the conference is for young people who are keen to serve and teach the gospel to others. The dates for 2016 are 11-15 January and please talk to Leo Leung for more details (0422540606 or leoleungll2@hotmail.com). Please note that early bird ends on the 31st October 2015, so please register early.
  • We rejoice that Jonathan and Vivienne Kew have decided to publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ by being baptised. Today, Rev Hafer will baptise these two at the end of CP10’s regular Sunday service. Please pray that God will bless Jonathan and Vivienne and help them to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
  • CPM will be having a special baptismal service on 15/11/2015, the service time will change to 1pm and will be using CP@10 hall. The baptism candidates are: XU Xiao Xue, ZHOU YuQiong, TANG MeiQing, GAO Ya, YU Le, JiQing GUO.
  • Christmas in the Park Kids Choir: Kids from Kindy-Yr 8 are invited to participate in the Christmas in the Park Kids Choir.  Ee May Khoo will be directing the production and rehearsals will begin on Nov 1.  See Liza Mihardja for more information.
  • Glue Parents’ Night a great time for Parents of High School Youth to enjoy fellowship and consider topics relevant to parents today. When? Friday November 6, 7:30-9:45pm.  Where? WSCCC Upper Hall. Friends welcome.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

“And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” (Isaiah 6:3 NIV)

The angels surrounding God are not content with; “Holy!”, not even with; “Holy! Holy!” They must say it three times; “Holy! Holy! Holy!” No other attribute of God is spoken of like this. Not love or justice or sovereignty. Just Holy. Thus, it is God’s holiness that sums up his total perfection and greatness in one. As Thomas Watson said; “It is the most sparkling jewel of God’s crown, it is the name by which he is known.” So what does God’s holiness mean? Well, the word “holy” means to be separate or distinct, so maybe Isaiah 40:25 best sums it up; ““To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.” But we must be careful when we speak of God’s holiness to not just leave it hanging in heaven; it must come down and permeate our lives with fear and wonder. With fear because it is like a consuming fire but with wonder because it also sent a sinless Saviour to take our sinful place. Therefore, never forget the seraphim around God’s throne still cry holy, and so must we.

from Pastor Ariel