Bulletin Announcements – 19 January 2013

Four Keys to Happiness – Success?  Freedom? Love? Me? – this February we will having a series of 4 talks on happiness and Sam Chan will be speaking. Invite your friends, and start the conversation with all your friends on what is happiness and how we can find it?

Growing Together, Serving Together! – Church Retreat on 14-16 March 2014 to be held at Stanwell Tops. Save the Date!  Registration will begin soon!!

Rev. Keith Noldt will be on leave this week.  Please refer any pastoral needs to the deacons.

Attention parents: Children Ministry Announcement – we will not have Sunday school classes until 26th January 2014.  Parents, please make sure that your children are in your care. Term 1 for 2014 will start on 2 February 2014.

Chadd Hafer will be the speaker at Strathfield 9am next Sunday. This will allow members to hear him speak before the EGM later on.

NEXT WEEK: EGM on 26th January 2014 Notice is given hereby to all members to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting called by the diaconate to be held on 26th January 2014 at 12:30pm at the Chapel of the church.

Motion (1):  To call Pastor Chadd Hafer as a full-time pastor of the church to serve CroydonPark@10 English congregation.  His term will be 3 years and renewable.

Motion (2): To call Rev. Andrew Choy as a part-time minister of the church to serve the Cantonese congregation.  His term will be 3 years and renewable.

Proxy forms will be available from any deacons or ministers and should be returned to deacons or ministers or by fax or email to WSCCC.  Deadline of proxy form to be received as valid vote is 24th January 2014 at 12:30pm.  Any proxy form received after the deadline becomes invalid and will not be counted.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge. (Psalm 51:4 NIV)

David here is confessing to one covetous and one murderous act. Two ugly sins but now he falls down on his spiritual knees and pours out this humble confession. What lead him to do this? What leads any of us to confess our ugly sins before God? To say we have done “evil in your sight”? Later in v17 David tells us; “a broken spirit and a contrite heart”. This means being filled with a sense of guilt, having sincere remorse, and a deep desire to be reconciled. To come before the other person and say without any conditions whatsoever – I have wronged you, you are completely in the right. This is by no means an easy task. So difficult it is, that first your selfish spirit needs to be broken like a wild beast in need of being tamed. Only God can do this. Only He, like a skilled surgeon, can cut right through every sinful desire, remove our wicked heart, and replace it with a contrite one. Pray to God that it will be so in your life too.

from pastor Ariel