Bulletin Announcements – 1 July 2018

• To ensure all children’s safety, we have a new sign-in and sign-out process for Sunday School. Please sign your child/ren in, and please go to Sunday School immediately after service to sign-out and collect your child/ren.

• Commissioning Service for Matt, Jen, Obadiah & Theodore Lim will be held on 7 July at 9:30am in the Strathfield Chapel. This will be followed by morning tea in the Strathfield hall. Did you know that Japan has a population of 127 million people and evangelical Christians only account for 0.5% of that (with an annual decline of 0.4%). Please come to encourage and commit them to serve God and minister to the Japanese people through partnership with CMS and HiBA.

• Mission Faith Promise Giving for 2018/19 is being launched today. Our target for FPG to support our missionaries is $225,000 across at least 200 returned response slips. As at 24 June, we have received a total of $84,995 across 50 returned slips. Please continue to pray that our Father will enable us to achieve this target. If you wish to contribute to supporting our missionaries financially, please fill in a FPG response slip (blue form) and put it in the offering bag.

• Diaconate Announcement: At the Annual General Meeting on 30 Sept 2018, election of deacons for the next Diaconate term will occur and 6 Deacons from each ‘Language Congregation’ will be elected. A Deacon Nomination Committee from each ‘Language Congregation’ has been formed and their names are listed below:
Cantonese Congregation: Jack Lai, Joseph Chan, Rose Wong, Vickie Ma
Mandarin Congregation: Hui Siong Tay, Luke Zhang, Andy Sim, Paul Lim
English Congregation: Angie Ng, Lydia Tan, Christine Kotsaris, Arthur Teng
If you are considering serving in the Diaconate or want to nominate someone in your congregation to serve in the Diaconate, please contact the Deacon Nomination Committee of your ‘Language Congregation’ and discuss with them first. Note that the closing date for all deacon nominations is 3 August 2018.