1 Corinthians: Seeing All of Life Through the Gospel

From July to December 2018, we’re investigating 1 Corinthians and discovering how the message of the gospel enables us to see all of life clearly.  We’ll be digging deep into God’s word, and exploring how it informs our everyday life today.

1 Corinthians deals with many problems in the first century church of Corinth, such as divisions in the church and disagreements about a whole range of topics.  The topics remain highly relevant hot topics today, including and competition for popularity and a ‘celebrity’ culture in the church, sexual ethics, disagreements about food, marriage, divorce, lawsuits, how to do church gatherings and worship, women in ministry, spiritual gifts, and the claim of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.

The book contrasts human wisdom and God’s wisdom to bring powerful answers to the questions of Corinth and the church and the world today, and it all centres on the message of the gospel and the cross of Christ.
