Bulletin Announcements – 16 September 2012

  • Our Church Family Life series continues today with Lorenzo preaching on Building Each Other Up: works of service.
  • For updates on Ariel’s condition after his accident please go to http://wsccc.org.au/prayingforariel/ . Friends of Ariel and pastors of other churches have emailed and expressed their gratitude for the practical support you are giving to Ariel and his family.
  • OCT. 5-7: House Party 2012 “Possessed by God – the Holy Spirit”. Plan to come along. Prepare to meet new people, renew old friendships and be spiritually challenged by great Bible Teaching. Please make sure you get your registration forms to Daniel Lin or Leslie Lee as soon as possible. Payment can be made by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) directly into the Church Account. Please complete the registration form and transfer the money to the account: Bank: NAB, Name: West Sydney Chinese Christian Church, BSB: 082-080, A/C No: 48243-6244. Please ensure that the full name of the “First Registrant” (ie the first name on the top of the registration form) and Description“WSCCC HP2012” is on the EFT easy identification. Also, please put a note on the registration form that it has been paid by EFT. A receipt copy of the payment will also assist.
  • Strathfield 9am Ladies Fellowship Bible study. When: 23 September 2012; 10.45am – 12.30pm; Where: home of John and Elizabeth Hing, Concord. Husbands and children are invited to join in the lunch which will follow. To assist catering, please let Elizabeth or Solan know if you are coming for the lunch.
  • Children Ministry Announcement: Last Day of Term 3 – Today. Term 4 will recommence on 14 October. Holiday Program – 23 September and 30 September with the theme of “What’s in the Bible?” There will be no Holiday Program on 7 October.
  • AGM Announcement: Notice is given hereby to all members to attend an Annual General Meeting called by the Diaconate, to be held on 7th October 2012 at 12:30pm, at the Chapel of the church. In the agenda of the AGM, beside election of deacons and other regular items, there will be a special motion, “The diaconate requests the members to approve CPM to be established as a branch church of West Sydney Chinese Christian Church”.
  • The Diaconate has approved the position of a Part-Time Youth Pastor. If you know of someone who might be interested in this position please speak to your minister or one of the deacons. Please pray for a suitable candidate.
  • Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoe Boxes. Please be reminded that the last day of collection for these boxes is next Sunday 23 September.
  • Our missionary family in Taiwan, the Nicholsons (Phil and Irene, with Ben) have returned for 6 months Home Assignment. Please join the whole church in welcoming them home at lunch at 12:30pm, Sunday 30 September at the WSCCC Strathfield hall (please bring a dish to share). During the next few months, they would also love to meet with you and share about their ministry – an ideal opportunity would be to invite them to your Bible study group. If you would like them join you, please contact them (Nicholson@omfmail.com).
  • By God’s grace, Andrew and Joanna Wong (with Emily) will officially be leaving to become missionaries in Japan, having received full financial and prayer support! They will leave on 29 October. Please join us in affirming them at their commissioning service for all their supporting churches at 3pm, Saturday 20 October at WSCCC Strathfield. They will also hold a Farewell Open House on Saturday 27 October at 19 Corona Ave, Roseville – drop in anytime after 2pm to say hello and goodbye to the Wong’s!
  • Serving Jesus @ Church: Being a family means we care for each other and serve each other in love. Some of our older folks have been doing this for years but now it’s time for the younger ones to step up. We need people to help out with setting up chairs, bringing and serving morning teas, welcoming at the door, and running our data projector and sound system. If you’ve read this, then don’t walk out today without signing up to one of these ministries. Please complete the Serving Jesus @ Church response form and place the form in the box at the back of the hall at end of the service.