Bulletin Announcements – 8 May 2016

  • Come to Equip 2016 and turn your ordinary Saturday into an eXtraordinary one!  Equip is an annual Christian conference for women of all ages. Held on Saturday 28th May 2016 at Rosehill Gardens Event Centre, this year’s theme is “Freed” – as Christians we have been freed by Jesus, but what does Christian freedom look like? If you would like to come along, Ladies’ Fellowship is organising a group from WSCCC to attend this valuable conference together, so please see Jocelyn Lin or Alice Cheng for more details.  



  • WSCCC Combined Service – “United in Love” Date: Sunday 29th May 2016, 9.30am-12pm Location: Trinity Grammar School, 119 Prospect Rd, Summer Hill. Speakers: Rev Dominic Ku and Rev Dr Sam Chan, Children’s program available.



  • Taiwan Short Term Mission (Dec 2016) – If you are interested in this but were unable to attend the information afternoon, please contact Anthony Choong (anthony.choong@gmail.com or 0411246506) who will be able to provide you with details or speak with one of the ministers or GMC team. Expressions of interest to be given to the ministers or GMC by 15 May.



  • Wong’s Visit: Andrew, Jo, Emily and Hannah Wong is holidaying in Sydney. They will be holding an open afternoon tea on Sun 15th May, 2pm-4pm at our CP hall. This event will continue at The Ranch, North Ryde for dinner from 5pm for those who wish to attend. If you wish to attend either of these events or if you are able to bring food/drinks to the afternoon tea, please contact Fiona Liang (CP10).



  • Baptism Service will be held on the 22nd May 12:30pm at WSCCC Strathfield (Chapel). Please come along and support those who will be making a public declaration of their faith in Jesus. English: Zachary Cai, Jessica He, Jessica Liew, Allen Lin; Cantonese: Annie Lau, Kee Lee, Simon Thi, Shirley Yeung; Mandarin: Joanna Chen, Sarah Du, Yan Qiu Liu, Xi Bai Miao, Yao Wang, Kathy Wei.



  • The Diaconate is calling an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) at 12:30pm today, 2016 at the Strathfield chapel for members to vote 2 motions: 


  1. To rescind the motion from the Annual General Meeting of 7th October, 2012 (AGM minute item 4), whereby the Croydon Park Mandarin congregation (CPM) was given branch church status of WSCCC. The Diaconate and the CPM Management Committee have agreed that CPM’s future should instead be to continue as part of WSCCC, and not to pursue forming a separate legal entity. The status CPM would then be one of the six congregations of the wider WSCCC.
  2. To amend the date of each Annual General Meeting of WSCCC to be held on the final Sunday of each September. This is instead of the current date, which is the first Sunday of October, always a long weekend.


Rev. Keith writes  –  a weekly scriptural devotion.    Psalm 103

This psalm begins and ends with calls to praise God. The core of the psalm (6‐19) sets out the Lord’s compassion to his people Israel. As God’s ‘new Israel’ we can apply this psalm to ourselves. God’s compassion is great. He knows our frailty, is slow to anger, and when he does become angry, does not keep it forever. He does not always accuse or treat us as our sins deserve.  David chose three images to depict God’s love: it is as high as the heavens; it removes our sins, and  is like father’s love for his children. Man’s need is great. We are dust, we are sinners, and we are mortal – like grass. God loves those who fear Him (13). Grace should lead to repentance; for, where there is no repentance judgment must follow. We cannot claim to have God’s forgiveness when our lack of faith is demonstrated by living in rebellion against Him. Instead we are to fear him (11, 13, 17), keep his covenant and .. obey his precepts (18).