Bulletin Announcements – 20 March 2016

  • Good Friday & Easter Sunday services (next week!) – invite your friends to hear the message of Easter –  the death of Jesus on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus. It’s the core of the gospel, our only hope. Don’t you like your friends to hear that? 



  • Baptism service: Our first Baptism Service this year is on the 22nd of May, baptism classes starts today, contact Andrew Bardsley if you’ve made a commitment to follow Jesus. 



  • To celebrate Senior’s Week, this year, Salt and Pepper Fellowship invites all who are “growing young” (the NSW theme for 2016) to an Afternoon Tea with Rev David Tsai on Saturday, 9 April, at 3.30pm in the upper hall.  Rev Tsai, the minister of Chinese Presbyterian Church, Surry Hills, will speak about: Keeping Faith with God and man. Discussion and questions will be on independence and integrity.



  • Advance notice:
  • Farewell to the Nicholson 17th April at CP10.  Further information to follow.
  • WSCCC Combined church service 29th May at Trinity Grammar School. 



Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen. (Romans 9:5 NIV)

In the Greek New Testament manuscripts Jesus is clearly being referred to as God here. Thus, this verse serves as a measure of a good Bible translation as some mistranslate this. However, this aside let’s not miss the depth of what Paul writes. Firstly, Jesus is an Israelite and so carries with him all the promises of the patriarchs and the Israelite people. Secondly, Jesus is human and so carries our humanity with him. Thirdly, Jesus is the Messiah, God’s promised Saviour. Fourthly, Jesus is God, and so carries with him all the privileges, power, and attributes of deity. Lastly, all this means Jesus is worthy of endless praise. So in this one verse we see Jesus full of promise, humanity, Saviour, God, and praise. This one verse should bring us to bended knee, rapture our hearts, overwhelm our minds. It should have us burst out in song, prayer, and as Paul does here in praise. Maybe today you can read this verse and let it bring you closer to Jesus. After all, this is God’s intent, isn’t it?


from pastor Ariel