Bulletin Announcements – 16 August 2015

  • SALT Forums 2015: A Block of Salt: This year’s August Salt forums are on: ‘Gender Issues’. Our question at this Wednesday forum (19 August) is, ‘Does our sexuality control us, or do we control our sexuality?’ Our panelists will be: Des Chu, May Tiu, Amanda Rudolf, Denis Oliver, and Clementine Choi. This forum begins at 7:30pm in the CP10 hall.
  • The church will be broadcasting a number of talks from the 87th Hong Kong Bible Conference in August/September. Please refer to the insert for the Broadcasting Timetable at WSCCC. Please also note that we have particularly chosen some talks given by Dr. Chris Wright on Deuteronomy, and these talks will be presented in English and translated into Cantonese.
  • The Induction Service for Rev Dominic Ku will be held at the Chapel on 30 August at 1:30pm. Please come and join together to give thanks to God and to show our support to Rev Ku. Before the induction service we will have a welcoming lunch for Rev Ku and family at 12:30pm on same Sunday, everyone is welcome and please bring a dish.
  • Public profession of faith: If you have you become a Christian through repentance of your sins and trusting faith in the Lord Jesus, there will be an opportunity for you to publicly declare that faith by baptism or confirmation on the 22 November. A preparation group will commence meeting very soon. Please indicate your interest to Rev Ariel Kurilowicz or Chee Yee Kowk by 30th of August.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

“That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life, just as they had stood in awe of Moses.” (Joshua 4:14 NIV)

Just like Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground under Moses’ leadership now they cross the river Jordan on dry ground under Joshua’s leadership. Finally, they are in awe of Joshua just as they were in awe of Moses, and for the rest of his life too. This brought him huge honour, trust, and loyalty. This was of vital strategic importance as Israel was now marching into a hostile land and needed someone they could unswervingly look to. However, the most important words in this verse are the first five; “That day the Lord exalted…”. Joshua’s position, prestige, and power was only his because God gave these to him. In the context of the book of Joshua it is a call for Israel to gather around God’s chosen man and to follow him into battle. In the context of the entire Bible it is for us to gather around Jesus, God’s exalted One (Philippians 2:9), who battled sin and death for us and won us the victory (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). Thank you God for exalting Jesus!

 from Pastor Ariel