Bulletin Announcements – 30 November 2014

  • Children Ministry Announcement: Today, there will be no 8.55 Sunday school Strathfield 9am (English Service) will have Family Servicein the Upper Hall during the service time. We will have puppets, songs, and a Kid’s talk.
  • End of the year is coming very soon. Please register your children for next year.You can get an enrolment form from our teachers or from Liza and return the completed form promptly.
  • Term 4 Sunday school will end on 14 December. There will be a Christmas holiday program on 21 December. Sunday school will be closed starting 28 December. Term 4 Play Group will end on 2 December.
  • Recommissioning/Farewell Service for Jacqui Ng and the Lau Family – Sunday 14th Dec 12:30pm @ Croydon Park Hall. A special morning tea will be served starting at 11:30am.
  • Our annual Christmas in the park is only a few weeks away! This is one of the highlights of the year and the stage production “Angels we have heard on high” is not to be missed! So bring your family and friends for what is sure to be a special time for all. A free event 3-5pm Saturday 13th December 2014 @ Burwood Park.
  • CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK: 2 or 3 volunteers from each congregation are needed for this event. To do face-painting, balloons, and welcome tent. Please speak to Pastor Bardsley or Rev Noldt TODAY!
  • NextGen Training Conference: We have a group of Youth and Leaders going to NextGen in Jan 12-16 2015. Register as part of our WSCCC Group. See Leo Leung or Youth Pastor Andrew Bardsley for instructions and info.
  • If you wish to support the church electronically, you can donate to these church accounts: WSCCC General Offertory BSB 082 080 Acc 48 243 6244; WSCCC MTEC Missionary Giving   BSB 082 080 Acc 52 856 0495. Please make sure that you reference/detail your donation as “donation” or “faith promise giving” or whatever else is appropriate. If you wish to set up a regular direct transfer, please set it up as direct transfer rather than direct debit.

Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10)

Jesus here refers to himself as the Son of Man (an Old Testament term to describe God’s chosen king) who came to seek and save the lost. Jesus said these words after a rich man named Zacchaeus gave half his wealth away to the poor and then some. He did this because his encounter with Jesus showed him just how lost he had become with the idol of wealth. Actually, all of us are lost in a similar way because there are many idols out there: power, wealth, comfort, approval, romance, body image, control, achievement, family, and even religion! The sad fact is an idol is anything other than God that gives our life meaning or self-worth. “But what’s wrong with that?”; someone might ask. Well, tragically idols never satisfy. They always leave us wanting more like a supermodel feeling she’s never beautiful enough, or a millionaire thinking he hasn’t made it until he’s a billionaire, or simply a mother always needing to be needed. Idols in the end leave us feeling empty, never satisfied, always insecure but Jesus (God’s chosen king) on the other hand is the only One who can fill us, satisfy us, and make us secure.

 From Pastor Ariel