Bulletin Announcements – 13 July 2014

Children Ministry Announcement: Holiday program for Sunday school is on today. Term 3 will start 20 July. Play Group will start 15 July. We pray for a good break for all of our leaders and helpers.

GREETINGS FROM POLAND. During the month of June Rev & Mrs Noldt visited four churches connected with the Evangelical Christian Church of Poland. On every occasion these churches – Lodz, Wloclawek, Wodzislaw, and Zywiec – requested that their warm fraternal greetings be conveyed to the brothers and sisters in Christ at WSCCC.

SENIORS’ AFTERNOON:  3:30 pm for tea/coffee Saturday 26 July.  Rev Keith Noldt and Lydia Tan invite you to come together for a time to consider matters we often don’t think about – or don’t like to think about:  stroke, wills/power of Attorney, memory loss.  Qualified professionals will provide information and advice in a warm, supportive environment.

Diaconate Announcement: At the Annual General Meeting of the church on 5 October 2014, election of deacons for the next Diaconate term will take place (5 deacons per language group). Please reflect on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and prayerfully consider whether you are moved to serve, or nominate someone amongst your congregation to serve in our church as deacon. If you do, please first contact a member of Deacon Nomination Committee (see the names below), and ask for the nomination form & related information. The closing date for nominations is 29August 2014.   Please be prayerful and prompt. Deacon Nomination Committees: Cantonese: Kit Ling, Winnie Chan, Jack Lai, Maurice Cheng; Mandarin: Ching Ping Chan, David Chen, Ley Bie Tio, Yue Zhang; English: Lydia Tan, Les Lee, Anthony Choong, Cerise Yeung.

Search for Success – Thursday August 7th – Francis Chan and John Lennox. “Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter” – please see www.sfs14.com for more details.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death. (Deuteronomy 18:20 NIV)

Prophets who prophesied (foretold the future) but then their prophecies never came true (v22) were to be killed as were those who spoke in the name of other gods. The death penalty for the later was quiet obvious as these prophets claimed to represent false gods and so were trying to lead the people astray. But why the death penalty for those who spoke in God’s name even if God hadn’t commanded it? Well, these too were leading God’s people astray but in an even more dangerous way – they were being both slanderous and sly! They were claiming to speak on God’s behalf and the danger was when their lies were exposed (by their prophecies not coming true) the people would start to mistrust God too, after all they claimed to be his prophets didn’t they? God’s words are to be protected at all costs for the sake of his people for if they can’t take him at his word then how can they trust his Son who speaks – Jesus?

from Pastor Ariel