Bulletin Announcements – 20 October 2013

Ariel writes – a weekly scriptural devotion:   

But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. (Psalm 40:17a NIV)

David just wrote; “The Lord is great!” and now he writes ‘But as for me,…’ There is no self-importance here – in comparison he recognises that God is greater. ‘I am poor and needy;…’ He also understands he is not self-sufficient – God is the one who provides. ‘may the Lord think of me.’ His self-esteem is also in check – he purely relies on God’s favour. Beware, therefore, of a boasting faith filled, soaked and sprinkled with self-importance, tedious vanities, and little white lies. A Facebook faith filled and overflowing with happy snaps, useless personal facts, and humble-brags boosting your self-esteem. Shouldn’t your faith solely rest and rely on a God who is your Sovereign and Saviour? Of course it should. And of course you intellectually assent to this but do you spiritually live it out? You see, what matters most is what God thinks of you and not others, that He provides for you more than you can yourself, and that He is your greater and deserves your respect.


Farewell lunch for Alex & Naomi Fung. OMF Missionaries to Japan. There will be a lunch today, 12:30pm at the church Hall in Violet St, Croydon Park. Please come along to catch up with Alex & Naomi before they fly out tomorrow. Please bring a dish of food to share. This will be followed by their Commissioning Service at 2:30pm at WSCCC Strathfield. Join us in praising God in anticipation of how He will use them to bring the Gospel to Japan. This service is crucial as we pray and send them before they fly out.

This year we celebrate the 35th anniversary of our church. Together, our congregations will give thanks to God on Sunday, Nov 10, with a combined Service at PLC (10am) and a Banquet at Rhodes Phoenix Restaurant (6pm).

A short term mission team from strathfield 9am will be heading to Zambia in January 2014 – find out more at: https://www.facebook.com/wscccteamzambia.

Announcement from the Diaconate: The Diaconate regrets to inform you that Rev. Mark Boyley and Rev. Anna Zhang would not proceed to renew their contracts with WSCCC when the current ones are completed at the end of January 2014. Rev. Boyley is called to serve in MBM St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Rooty Hill in early 2014. Rev. Zhang has family commitment to look after her little children at this stage.  We thank both of them for their faithful service and significant contributions to WSCCC over the years and wish them and their families God’s rich blessings in the many years to come.

AGM Voting Results: In the AGM held on 13th October 2013,  it was resolved to call Rev. Keith Noldt as a part-time interim minister of the church to serve the Strathfield 9am English congregation and to call Pastor Andrew Bardsley as a full-time youth pastor of the church to serve the Strathfield 9am English congregation. The voting results are as follows: Rev. Noldt: Yes 197; No 0; Abstain 1; Invalid 0. Total: Yes 197; Valid votes 198. The motion was passed by 99%. Pastor Bardsley:  Yes 191; No 0; Abstain 4; Invalid 0. Total Yes 191; Valid votes 195. The motion was passed by 98%.