Bulletin Announcements – 1 September 2013

Manhood month is on and Sam Chan will be exploring topics such as fatherhood, work and sex. A great opportunity to think about and discuss these interesting topics with your friends.

Tickets on sale today (see one of the deacons)! This year we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of our church. Together, our congregations   will give thanks to God on Sunday, Nov 10, with a combined Thanksgiving Service at PLC School Croydon (10am), and in the evening a Thanksgiving   Banquet at Rhodes Phoenix Restaurant (6pm). Mark this date in your calendars, as we join together as one church before God. Tickets for the seafood banquet will be on sale throughout September ($50 per adult, $20 per primary-school child). Please assist by booking whole tables of 12 with your friends.

Thank God Alex and Naomi Fung have been promised 90% of their support. The cut-off for their financial support to reach 100% is tomorrow (2nd September).

Keep an eye on the website for updates and resources. Many of the Winterschool handouts and resources are available. You can also catch up on a talk you missed or need to think over again.

2013 AGM Announcement: Notice is given hereby to all members to attend an Annual General Meeting called by the Diaconate, to be held on 13th October 2013at 12:30pm, at the Chapel of the church. In the agenda of the AGM, beside the regular items, there will be two special motions:

1. To call Rev. Keith Noldt as a part-time interim minister of the church to serve the Strathfield 9am English congregation.  His term will be one year and renewable.

2. To call Pastor Andrew Bardsley as a full-time youth pastor of the church to serve the Strathfield 9am English congregation. His term will be three years and renewable.

(As these are special resolutions, 75% majority votes are required to pass these motions.)

Proxy Forms will be available from any deacon or minister and should be returned to deacon or minister or by fax or email to WSCCC. Deadline of Proxy Form to be received as valid vote is 11th October 2013, 12:30pm. Any Proxy Form received after the deadline becomes invalid and will not be counted.