Bulletin Announcements – 14 August 2016

  • Diaconate Announcement: Notice is hereby given to all members of the church that the Annual General Meeting will be held at 12:30pm on Sunday, September 25, at the WSCCC Strathfield Chapel. During this meeting, election of deacons for the next term will be held. The list of deacon nominees, annual reports and proxy voting forms will be distributed from September 4.


  • Rev. Ariel’s father, (Peter Kurilowicz), passed away peacefully on Thursday morning. He is now with the Lord Jesus. On behalf of WS and the S9 congregation, we convey our condolences to Ariel, Sophie and Kirsty and their immediate families. May the God of all comfort, be their comfort at this time of bereavement. Quoting from Kirsty’s blog: ‘He said in his last moments of consciousness 2 days ago – “I am ready to meet my Saviour”.’ Even in his breathlessness he sang the hymn…  ‘It is well with my soul’. May we thank God for the life of Peter and be encouraged to know as Christians we can face death with boldness and assurance.


  • Salt 2016: Our second Salt forum on ‘A Christian perspective on social media’ will be held this Wednesday (17 August) at Croydon Park (7:30pm–9:30pm). Social media guru Matthew Andrews will be our presenter for this topic. The other Salt topics are: Global Terrorism (24 August); and Food For Thought (31 Aug). Please put these dates on your calendar and invite a friend to join you. Salt is a series of forums and events designed to help us: Speak, Act, Live and Think like Christ in regard to the various issues that confront us.


  • Profession of Faith: Have you recently become a Christian through repentance for sin and trusting faith in the Lord Jesus? Or…… did you become a Christian a long time ago but have never made a public profession of faith? Now is your opportunity! A preparation group (Baptism classes) will commence soon in time for the 27 November baptism/confirmation service. Please express your interest to one of the S9 pastors.