Bulletin Announcements – 19 June 2016

  • This coming Saturday 25th June: Ladies Fellowship Evangelistic Event “Colouring Scripture”– Calling all women!!…Are you looking for a relaxed and informal way to invite your female friends to church?  Have you noticed the amount of colouring books showing up in every shop corner? Please join us for a fun and creative afternoon of colouring and scrumptious food from 1pm-3:30pm. We will also be hearing from Lorien Atwood, illustrator of the popular book “Meditations: Beautiful Bible Verses for Colouring”. Location: WSCCC Upperhall. Tickets on sale today on the church lawn! Please see Betty Wong for more details.


  • This Thursday night 23rd June- The Many Faces of Islam: Islam is no longer a distant foreign faith in Australia. Some of us have Muslim friends or people we know and work with. But what do they believe? Also, the media sends us very mixed messages. It’s full of stories about Muslim terrorism on one hand, and Islamophobia on the other. Some say that Islam is inherently violent, others that it is peaceful. So which of these is true? Rev. Dr. Richard Shumack will answer these questions and more; and ultimately show us how easy it is to talk to Muslims about Jesus. Be our guest at this major event which will include a lecture, a question time, and supper afterwards. Time: 7:30pm – 10:00pm in the Upper Hall.


  • June 26th is the final Sunday of Mission Month: A flyer about our missionaries is available to help you pray for them. A Faith Promise form is also available today. A faith promise pledge is giving that is over and above our member’s general offering/giving. Please read through this material and spend the week prayerfully considering how God would have you support the work of our missionaries. Faith promise slips will be collected next Sunday.


  • Play Group invites children 4 years and under with their parents or carers to join our Road Safety Days on 21 and 28 June, 10am-12pm. We will have special days learning about road sign and being safe on the road (21 June) and having interactive play about road safety with cars and bicycles (28 June). Check Play Group message board downstairs or ask Liza or Day To for further detail.


  • Sydney Chinese Christian Churches Association (SCCCA) has issued a statement in relation to the coming Federal Election. This statement has been posted on the notice board and you can also get a copy of this statement at the Ushers Desk.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9 NIV)

A much treasured and quoted verse, and for good reason too. It says one simple yet profound truth. Our salvation is not complicated. There are no good works that we must first do. There are no deep truths that we must first learn. There are no Sunday school classes or church services we must first attend. Just declare “Jesus is Lord” and believe he came back to life. That’s it. Even a small child is able to do this. But why does Paul write these words here in Romans 10; a long section (Romans 9:1-11:36) which is really about the nation of Israel? It’s because Israel, especially its religious leaders had twisted God’s truths and made being saved a very arduous and complicated thing. Paul was deeply saddened at this and wanted to make sure the Gentile Christians, that’s us, understood this. Why? So that we wouldn’t make the same mistake. Therefore, let us not make good behaviour a requirement for our children’s salvation. Let us not turn Sunday School into a place of acquiring Bible knowledge over believing in Jesus. Let us not make our church a place of serving in ministry over trusting in Jesus. Let us keep our Christianity as simple as it truly is.

from pastor Ariel