Bulletin Announcements – 9 August 2015

  • Faith Promise Giving 2015/16: Praise God that a total of $176,395 has been promised for this financial year. Along with the amount received ($200,473.05) from 2014/15 Faith Promise target ($170,000) puts us in a good position to financially provide for our missionaries in the coming year. Give thanks to our God who provides for all that we need.
  • SALT Forums 2015: A Block of Salt: This year’s August Salt forums are on: ‘Gender Issues’. Our question at this Wed forum (12 August) is, ‘What does it mean to be male or female? Our panelists will be: Sam Chan, Clare Steele, Naomi Crain, Jonathon Abednego and Nicole Schleicher. Please join us to discuss this and other related issues at 7:30pm in the CP10 hall, 49A Boyle Street, Croydon Park. RSVP to Chadd at chaddhafercp10@gmail.com.
  • The church will be broadcasting a number of talks from the 87th Hong Kong Bible Conference in August/September. Please refer to the insert for the Broadcasting Timetable at WSCCC. Please also note that we have particularly chosen some talks given by Dr. Chris Wright on Deuteronomy, and these talks will be presented in English and translated into Cantonese.
  • The Induction Service for Rev Dominic Ku will be held at the Chapel on 30 August at 1:30pm. Please come and join together to give thanks to God and to show our support to Rev Ku. Before the induction service we will have a welcoming lunch for Rev Ku and family at 12:30pm on same Sunday. Everyone is welcome.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2 NIV)

The eternity of God is one of the most difficult attributes of his to understand. For instance, does ‘God is eternal’ mean he is ‘timeless’ or that he is ‘everlasting’? ‘Timeless’ meaning he is outside of time so that for him there is no past, present, or future. ‘Everlasting’ meaning he lives within time forever; from eternity past to eternity future. The biblical evidence actually supports both even though they might seem contradictory at first. The bible speaks of a God who exists timelessly prior to creation and in time after creation. The verse above seems to imply this because by creating creation God forever changed the nature of eternity. Yet we must stress and remember he is in no way bound by time. But how does God’s eternity affect us? For starters our lives are full of surprises. We do not know what lies around the corner. Good or bad? But since God is not limited by time he knows and so in him we find our security. As Deuteronomy 33:27a says; “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” And more importantly God’s eternal nature ensures that God will always be there for us. How truly wonderful this is!

           from Pastor Ariel