Bulletin Announcements – 19 July 2015

  • Faith Promise Giving 2015/16 – Let us continue to give thanks for the return slips handed in so far (121 return slips received with a total of $147,495). Please be praying that through God’s grace we will be closer to the $170,000 target. You can continue to place your Faith Promise Giving return slips into the offering bags up to the last Sunday in July.
  • Term 3 starts today for Sunday school, and Play Group has started on 14 July. Please don’t be late. We are eager to see you all again.
  • Following the acceptance of Kian Holik as a local missionary of the church, we will hold a commissioning service to affirm and send him on his ministry of the gospel to students at Macquarie University. Please join us for this service at 1:30pm, today at Chapel, followed by afternoon tea.
  • SALT Forums 2015: A Block of Salt: At no time in history has there been so much discussion, confusion and debate about gender roles and the nature of human sexuality. Therefore, this year’s August Salt topic will be: ‘Gender Issues’. Not only is Salt one of Jesus’ symbols that describes the positive impact that his followers are to have on the world, it is also our acronym for Speaking, Acting, Living and Thinking like Christ. These Q&A style forums will be held on the four Wednesday evenings in August (7:30pm) at CP10, 49A Boyle Street, Croydon Park. RSVP to Chadd at chaddhafercp10@gmail.com.
  • The Ladies Fellowship will meeting again on 2nd August 10:30am at Alice Cheng’s home!  Please join us for an encouraging and fun morning where there will be lots of opportunities to meet and fellowship with other women from our congregation. Morning tea included. For more information, please talk to Solan Chiu or Betty Wong.
  • The church will be broadcasting a number of talks from the 87th Hong Kong Bible Conference in August/September. Please refer to the insert for the Broadcasting Timetable at WSCCC. Please also note that we have particularly chosen some talks given by Dr. Chris Wright on Deuteronomy, and these talks will be presented in English and translated into Cantonese.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

“But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!” (1 Kings 8:27 NIV)

The word infinite means to be without limits. This is what Solomon describes in his prayer of dedication over God’s temple. God is endless, vast, without measure, and everywhere. He is not restricted by space or time, nor is he bound in any other sense. He exists beyond our universe and beyond the limitations of our dimensions. His capacity is without end. In the end, our God is so infinitely above and beyond us and our ability to fully understand that, had he not revealed himself, we would not know him. Therefore, it’s very apt that Solomon prays these words while dedicating God’s very own house here on earth where he wished to dwell among his people, even more so, to have relationship with them. Through his word, festivals, temple, and sacrifices God lovingly spoke to his people. Through their prayers and obedience they affectionately spoke back. But ultimately we see and hear our infinite God best in Jesus our Immanuel – God is with us. You see, God is infinite but also intimate. And what a beautiful thing this is.

from Pastor Ariel