Bulletin Announcements – 17 May 2015

  • Baptism Service will be held on the 24th May 12pm at WSCCC Strathfield (Chapel). Please come along and support those who will be making a public declaration of their faith in Jesus. English: Sophie Chen, Joseph Cheng, Wendy Gao, Calvin Law, Vincent Leung, Veronica Tsang; Cantonese: Po Ling Cheng; Mandarin: Tian Ming Chen, Cherry Du, Li Yi Long, Zhe Hao Lu, Kevin Song, Li Fen Wang, Mei Xu, Ruo Xi Xu. Confirmation (English): Jackson Jap, Yenny Jap.
  • Youth Camp: Our WSCCC Youth Camp is on July 3-6, 2015 (6pm Friday to 1pm Monday) on the theme of ‘Eternity’. Where: Blue Gum Lodge. Price: Early Bird – $160 (ends 31st May) Normal Rate – $180 (ends 14th June). See Pearlie Zhang at Glue, Andrew Lim at Stick. For more information see Dickson Wu or Andrew Bardsley.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. (2 Peter 2:1 NIV)

It breaks my heart to know false teachers are damaging the church. Jesus’ precious, precious church. His bride whom he loves beyond anything else, more than his own life! Whom he died for, cares for, and adores. Whom he bestowed his own Spirit on, prayed for the night before his death, and now hourly intercedes for. Whom he is preparing a new home for and physically desires to be with one day soon. It is THIS church whom false teachers are out to destroy. What fools they are! Is not a husband jealous for his wife and protective of her? What makes these false teachers think Jesus is anything less? Oh, what “swift destruction on themselves” they are bringing yet cannot see it! What blind selfish arrogant evil fools they are! Dear believer, do not be misled by their “destructive heresies” and do not be afraid of them either. The Lord Jesus at his return will pounce on them with vengeance and tear them to pieces. In the mean time be assured he loves you and is protecting you.

                  from Pastor Ariel