Bulletin Announcements – 15 March 2015

  • The Diaconate has called an Extraordinary General Meeting at 12:30pm, today at chapel for church members to vote to accept Kian Holik as a local missionary of the WSCCC. His term will be two years and renewable. Please prayerfully consider this proposal.
  • Public profession of faith: If you have you become a Christian through repentance of your sins and trusting faith in the Lord Jesus, there will be an opportunity for you to publicly declare that faith by baptism or confirmation on the 24 May. A preparation group will commence meeting very soon. Please indicate your interest to Rev Ariel Kurilowicz.
  • Our church will be joining the other local churches for the annual Easter in Burwood Park outreach on Saturday March 28 (12:30-4:30pm). It will be a great opportunity to share the true meaning of Easter through this festive event. The team needs volunteers to help with running the BBQ, kids’ activities or the evangelistic stall. If you can spare an hour or two, please contact Louis Wong (chubby_chocho2@hotmail.com).


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” (Genesis 22:8a NIV)

God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his “only” son whom he loved, so Abraham got up early the next morning. It was three days journey to the sacred place, enough time to contemplate what he was about to do. Was truly the “son of the promise” meant to die like a lamb to please the LORD? But Abraham did not waver in faith for he knew that God could even raise the dead (Hebrews 11:19)! But what about Isaac? Did he waver? “Here’s the wood and fire, where’s the sacrifice?” he asked. He obviously did not know the plan. His father’s only answer, the verse above. Surely when his father began to tie him he knew what was about to happen. Yet we don’t hear of any resistance. It seems he too did not waver in faith. Abraham laid Isaac on the altar, took the knife, was about to sacrifice his son when the angel of the LORD spoke; “Stop, look, a ram!” God provided and the animal was offered up in Isaac’s place. 2,000 years later again God provided a lamb, his “only” Son. He too did not waver in faith and offered himself up freely in your place.

                 from Pastor Ariel