Bulletin Announcements – 18 January 2014

  • No Sunday school class from 28 December 2014 to 25 January 2015. Please make sure that your children are under your care during the service. Term 1 2015 will start 1 February 2015 for Sunday school and 3 February 2015 for Play Group.
  • This February we will have special series thinking about the topic of life and asking some of the big questions that many of us will consider at some point in our lives. Sam Chan will be speaking and this will be a great opportunity to invite your friends and family.
  • If you wish to support the church electronically, you can donate to these church accounts: WSCCC General Offertory, BSB 082 080, Acc 48 243 6244; WSCCC MTEC Missionary Giving, BSB 082 080, Acc 52 856 0495. Please make sure that you reference/detail your donation as “donation” or “faith promise giving” or whatever else is appropriate. If you wish to set up a regular direct transfer, please set it up as direct transfer rather than direct debit.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

The king of Israel [Ahab] said to Jehoshaphat, “I will enter the battle in disguise, but you wear your royal robes.” So the king of Israel disguised himself and went into battle.But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the sections of his armour. (1 Kings 22:30, 34a NIV)

Elsewhere we’re told that king Ahab was more evil than the other kings before him. He married Jezebel a foreigner who spread the worship of Baal across Israel, he constantly disobeyed God’s word through the prophets, and then he committed an act of royal trespass by having Naboth killed just for his vineyard. He was hungry for power and materialistically greedy. God had had enough! So he told Ahab he was going to die in battle but of course Ahab tried to foil God’s plan. He disguised himself in battle so that no one would recognise and attack him. “But someone drew his bow at random…” and the rest is history. No amount of human planning can elude or prevent God’s plan for in an instant, through the most unlikely of ways, he can fulfil them. In our sin this truth warns us; in our godly longing it encourages us. Which is it for you today?

 from Pastor Ariel