Bulletin Announcements – 28 December 2014

  • No Sunday school class from today to 25 January 2015. Please make sure that your children are under your care during the service. Term 1 2015 will start 1 February 2015 for Sunday school and 3 February 2015 for Play Group.
  • NextGen Training Conference: We have a group of Youth and Leaders going to NextGen in Jan 12-16 2015. Register as part of our WSCCC Group. See Leo Leung or Youth Pastor Andrew Bardsley for instructions and info.
  • TAG Tuesday – if you are able and would like to host a bible study group for young adults and students on Tuesday night next year at your home, then please talk to Sam Chui. This would be a great opportunity to meet and serve the young people and we are looking for a number of people and families.
  • If you wish to support the church electronically, you can donate to these church accounts: WSCCC General Offertory, BSB 082 080, Acc 48 243 6244; WSCCC MTEC Missionary Giving, BSB 082 080, Acc 52 856 0495. Please make sure that you reference/detail your donation as “donation” or “faith promise giving” or whatever else is appropriate. If you wish to set up a regular direct transfer, please set it up as direct transfer rather than direct debit.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy (Jude 1:24 NIV)

The letter of Jude is all about stumbling. False Christians who are causing it and true Christians who are avoiding it. So what can you do to not stumble in your faith? Well here at the end of the letter Jude tells us, and the answer is – trust in God. This is because ‘not stumbling’ solely rests on God who keeps you from stumbling. Not only that but He Himself will present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy. So what then does this mean for you? Well, a lot frankly but let me tell you what it doesn’t mean. It doesn’t mean being a good person will keep you from stumbling. It doesn’t mean being born into a Christian home will keep you from stumbling. It doesn’t mean going to church, being baptised, taking communion, or even downloading sermons from cool preachers will keep you from stumbling. The only thing that will keep you from stumbling is God! Therefore, trust in Him only to steady your faith’s feet.

 from Pastor Ariel