Bulletin Announcements – 20 July 2014

SENIORS’ AFTERNOON:  3:30 pm for tea/coffee Saturday 26 July.  Rev Keith Noldt and Lydia Tan invite you to come together for a time to consider matters we often don’t think about – or don’t like to think about:  stroke, wills/power of Attorney, memory loss.  Qualified professionals will provide information and advice in a warm, supportive environment.

Sunday school starts today. Play Group has started last Tuesday for term. We are happy to see our children and families back from school break.

To date we have received 118 faith promise slips totalling $133,823 of the $170,000 target. Please do continue to pray that God will help us to reach the set target to financially support our missionaries.

Diaconate Announcement: At the Annual General Meeting of the church on 5 October 2014, election of deacons for the next Diaconate term will take place (5 deacons per language group). Please reflect on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and prayerfully consider whether you are moved to serve, or nominate someone amongst your congregation to serve in our church as deacon. If you do, please first contact a member of Deacon Nomination Committee (see the names below), and ask for the nomination form & related information. The closing date for nominations is 29August 2014.   Please be prayerful and prompt. The English Deacon Nomination Committees are: Lydia Tan, Les Lee, Anthony Choong, Cerise Yeung.

earch for Success – Thursday August 7th – Francis Chan and John Lennox. “Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter” – please see www.sfs14.com for more details.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

Give us today our daily bread. (Matthew 6:11 NIV)

So much is contained in these six straightforward words found in the Lord’s Prayer. First of all simplicity abounds. They are easy words to remember even for a child, as is the sentence. No memory learning techniques are required. Secondly, we notice it is a request to God. The creature is still in need of his Creator even though he might till the soil or earn the dough. Thirdly, we ask for only what is good and necessary. Our bodies require a certain amount of nutrition and we can confidently ask God to provide it for us. Fourthly, our request is also unextravagant. Just what we need to live and not a feast for fattening. Russian caviar, French truffles and Dom Perignon are out of the equation, as are Tim Tams too! Fifthly, there is a sense of satisfaction in the provision given. This daily bread is no doubt a reminder of manna (bread) from heaven which was meant to satisfy the Israelites in the wilderness. Sixthly, it is daily. Our reliance on God covers each and every 24hr period. Finally, and maybe most profoundly, it is the only physical element in the prayer which means there are deeper spiritual truths at stake.

from Pastor Ariel