Upcoming Series – Joseph: Not By Chance

We have all heard of the great Exodus where God’s people, the Israelites, were saved from slavery out of Egypt. But how did they end up in Egypt to begin with?

Come the remarkable story of Joseph. Daddy’s favourite among twelve brothers, the youngest, spoilt, and hated by his siblings who plotted to kill their little brother. This unfolded a chain of events that saved this family from starvation and who would become the fathers of a great nation – the Israelites.

On the surface, Joseph is a story of incredible coincidences. Look deeper and discover a God who is beyond all circumstances in power and wisdom.

Join us Sunday mornings from 9am to hear more on this Joseph series:

1. God is Working His Purpose Out (13th July 2014)
2. Temptation (20th July 2014)
3. Hope Amidst Broken Dreams (3rd August 2014)
4. Trusting a Trustworthy God (10th August 2014)
5. The Godly Use of Power (17th August 2014)
6. Be reconciled to God (24th August 2014)
7. Tracing the Family Line (7th September 2014)
8. God meant it for Good (14th September 2014)


strathfield 9am

9am, Easter Friday and Easter Sunday mornings, in the upstairs church hall of our Strathfield church
corner of Homebush Road and Alviston Street, Strathfield


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