Bulletin Announcements – 25 May 2014

Come and join us on the lawn after the service for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise funds for the Cancer Council. Last year, an amazing $12.7 million was raised. This year, they aim to raise $13 million! Show your support and help find a cure for cancer. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Baptism service will be held today at 12.30 pm. 22 people will be baptised, publicly declaring their faith in Jesus Christ. Come along and encourage them. Names are: English: Melissa Kam, Samuel Tieu, Louis Wong, Alex Ye; Cantonese: Tai Chan, Lai So Fun Chow, Yin Sum Chow, Au Kitt Jam, Alice Ye, Mandy Zheng; Mandarin: Li Jin Cai, Andy Chen, Li Ping Chen, Jenny Deng, Nancy Li, Ping Liu, Li Ping Metcalfe, Mandy Shen, Sharon Tang, Lisa Yuan, Annie Zhang, Patty Zhao.

Glue Stick Cafe is coming! It’s a relaxed night for high schoolers and their friends to hear about Jesus, meet people from Glue and Stick and ask questions about life. Friday 6 June 2014 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at WSCCC Strathfield. For more info, talk to a Glue leader, Stick leader or Andrew Bardsley.

Holiday Kids ClubGrace Chinese Christian Church, Kogarah will be conducting a children’s outreach program during the July school holidays.  It is for children in school years K-6, from 9:00 am to Noon on Tuesday 8 to Friday 11 July at St George Girls’ High School auditorium, Harrow Road, Kogarah.  Cost: $5 per child per day.  Your children and any known to you are invited.  To register go to:  www.gracechurch.org.au/english. Please see poster on the Notice Board.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:2-3 NIV)

What is it about children that makes them model citizens of God’s kingdom? When Jesus spoke the above words I’m sure he didn’t have a child’s ‘great wisdom’ in mind, nor would he have been referring to their ‘extensive knowledge’ of all things, or even their ‘significant accomplishments’ in life. Yet, as light-hearted as these remarks sound herein lies the paradox of God’s kingdom. You see, the very things we strive for as adults are not counted there. So what is counted? A child-like’s trust in their Father for today’s provisions and tomorrow’s existence. A child-like’s footsteps following and even imitating their Father so to become more like him. Also, a child-like submission to their Father’s authority even when they might disagree. And finally, finding their identity in their Father – after all they are his child. The only question left is; as an adult how much would you have to change to become a child again?

from Pastor Ariel