Bulletin Announcements – 7 July 2013

Thanks for joining for church today! It is great to have you with us. Today we begin a new sermon series in John’s Gospel. We will look at a number of the occasions that Jesus said “I am…”. Our speaker today is Brian King, the student minister at CroydonPark@10.

Faith Promise Giving for 2013/14 has started. Please refer to the Faith Promise Giving flyer and prayerfully consider how you will partner with our missionaries serving in Australia and other parts of the world. The return slip of the Faith Promise Giving forms will be collected during the first 3 weeks of July via the offering bag.

Today @ 12:30pm – There will be a welcome home lunch for Wayne, Angela & Eunice Chen to be held at WSCCC Strathfield Hall. Please bring a plate of food to share. Come along for some fellowship, hear about their ministry and how you can partner with them in Taiwan.

Saturday July 13th @ 3pm – Alex and Naomi Fung will be having an Information Afternoon Tea to share about Japan. Come and find out how you can partner with them as they leave for Japan. This will be held in the Croydon Park@10 Church Hall.  RSVP by July 10th via mail.alexnaomi@gmail.com or 0406623667.

Children Sunday school will have holiday program for today and 14 July. We will have movie, talks, games and crafts. See you there! Term 3 will start 21 July for Sunday school and 16 July for Play Group.

Strathfield 9am Ladies Fellowship: Sunday 14th July 10.45am to 12.15pm at the home of Alice Cheng in Strathfield. The study is Chapter 5 on the topic of ENDURANCE.

Mark Boyley is on leave until July 27. Enquiries may be directed to Rev. Frankie Law or one of our English deacons.

Debate series entitled: ‘Life, the Universe and Nothing’ between Dr William Lane Craig and Prof Lawrence Krauss. August 13, Sydney Town Hall. Get tickets for you and an enquiring friend:  http://lifeuniversenothing.org/.

Ariel is based in Ferguson Lodge (Lidcombe). To visit Ariel please contact Lydia Tan: lltan@iprimus.com.au. See blog at http://wsccc.org.au/prayingforariel.