Bulletin Announcements – 30 December 2012

Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting: All are encouraged and welcomed to join in the prayer meeting every Sunday morning, starting at 8am, in the lower hall Sunday School room, to pray for the morning services and ministry at WS.  Finishes at 8.45am.  You can join in any time after 8am.

Psalm Summer Series – we welcome Aaron Koh as our preacher today on Psalm 33. Aaron and his family are heading off to Taiwan as missionaries with OMF in a month or so. They are new missionaries of our church.

Children Ministry Announcement

–       There will be no Sunday school for today and 6 January 2013

–       Holiday Program: 13, 20 and 27 January 2013

–       First day of term 1 2013: 3 February 2013

If you love God and love kids, we invite you to join us in serving the kids in Children Ministry for Christmas and Holiday Programs. Contact Liza Mihardja for information.

We rejoice with Danny and Laurene Kijvanit on the birth of their baby son, James Daniel Kijvanit, on 20 December 2012 (weight 3.335kg, height 51cm, labour 5.5 hours).

Coming up in February… “Dear God…” series of talks from Sam Chan. Please pray about who you can invite along.

Announcement from the Diaconate: As we all know that prayer and unity are vitally important for church life, the Diaconate has decided to encourage brothers and sisters of all congregations to join in unity in praying for the church. Starting from the first Wednesday 2nd January 2013 Combined Prayer Meeting with language groups will be held at 8:00pm to 9:00pm each Wednesday. All members are encouraged to attend and enjoy together rich blessings in Christ.

Announcement from the Diaconate: Rev. Anna Zhang will continue to serve as the interim minister (part-time) of the Church to serve Mandarin congregations including CPM. The term will be one year starting from 1st February 2013 and renewable.

Mark Boyley is on leave till Jan 17. He and the family will be visiting their old church in Chiang Rai Thailand, having a holiday and also visiting the Laus and the Lepelaar families. Please pray for good health and rest, and good opportunities to encourage and serve.

Visiting Ariel: Visitors are allowed but between 11am & 6 pm will be best over the next two weeks. If you visit, take a book just in case he is held up with his treatment sessions! Please book all visits through Lydia Tan: lltan@iprimus.com.au