Bulletin Announcements – 19 August 2012

‘Worthless Religion’ series continues with this week’s message titled ‘Worthless Prayer’ from the letter of James to all God’s people.

OCT. 5-7: House Party 2012 “Possessed by God – the Holy Spirit”. Plan to come along. Prepare to meet new people, renew old friendships, & be spiritually challenged by great Bible Teaching. Early Bird rego closes next Sunday 26th August, so make sure you get your forms to Ken Lim [Daniel Lin or Leslie Lee for S9]. Payment can be made by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) directly into the Church Account. Please complete the registration form and transfer the money to the account: Bank: NAB, Name: West Sydney Chinese Christian Church, BSB: 082-080, A/C No: 48243-6244. Please ensure that the full name of the “First Registrant” (ie the first name on the top of the registration form) and Description“WSCCC HP2012” is on the EFT easy identification. Also please put a note on the registration form that it has been paid by EFT. A receipt copy of the payment will also assist ”

Our Christianity Short Course called ‘Why Jesus?’ is running at the moment on Monday nights. Please pray that those who attend will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and pray for Ariel our minister as he leads this course.

Winter School 2012 – Praise God for the good turn out to Winter School this year. Pray for all the people leading the seminars and pray that God’s people will grow and be challenged through this event.

Short Term Missions Team Meeting – It’s @ 2pm today, at 27 Robinson St, Croydon. This meeting is for anyone wanting to find out more about the Short Term Mission trip we’re planning on running next year. Questions such as where are we going, when are we going, who’s going, what are we going to do, and how much will it cost will be answered. If you have any questions please talk to Ariel our minister.

SHUM – Whether you’re returning for another month or looking to be part of this urban mission for the first time, Surry Hills Urban Mission (SHUM) provides an opportunity for you to serve those often ignored by society and help you understand the material and spiritual needs of those living in the Surry Hills area. Learn and practice ways to become better equipped to share the person of Jesus and His works in everyday life. To join the September WSCCC SHUM Team, please contact Lei (write2lei@gmail.com or 0402870668).

A farewell luncheon for Andrew Wong is planned for next Sunday 26 August 2012 and tickets are being sold today. To assist with catering arrangements please purchase your tickets as early as possible preferably today. Tickets are available through your deacons at $5 per person.

Diaconate Announcement: At the Annual General Meeting of the church on October 7 2012, election of deacons for the next Diaconate term will take place (5 deacons per language group). Please reflect on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and prayerfully consider whether you are moved to serve, or nominate someone amongst your congregation to serve in our church as deacons. If you do, please first contact a member of Deacon Nomination Committee (see the names below), and ask for the nomination form & related information. The closing date for nominations is 31st August. Please be prayerful and prompt. Deacon Nomination Committees: English: Loy Yew Wong, Dah Cheong Shen, Sam Chan, Anthony Choong.

The Inner West Scripture Team Education Association (IWSTCEA) warmly invites you to join them next Sunday 26 August for their AGM (2.30-3.15pm) followed by a Combined Church Prayer meeting (3.15-4.15pm) of praise & petition for the schools ministry at Burwood Girls High of which Liling Tan is closely associated.