Online service, 24th May

Welcome to our CP10 service online

We’re glad that you’ve joined us today as we look at the final song that Moses wrote for Israel, prior to his death. Most of us probably think of Moses as being more a teacher, leader & lawgiver, rather than a singer/songwriter. But we should recall that, immediately after miraculously leading them through the Red Sea (Ex. 15), Moses taught Israel a victory song. Furthermore, in Israel’s hymnal, at least one Psalm (90) is attributed to Moses. Revelation 15 also speaks about God’s saved people who have overcome the world, finally singing a salvation song of Moses. Therefore, as we gather to worship God and listen to his word, it will be good to reflect on the themes of Moses’ swan song to Israel.

Songs of worship

This morning, let’s begin singing a worship song where we remind each other of the hope we have of eternity, in which the world we live in is temporary. Later today, in Deuteronomy, we will read Moses’ swan song which refers to the heavens and the justice God will bring.

This next worship song directly describes God’s perfect nature and justice. Moses’ swan song examines God’s might which can seem scary, but also his justice as He carries out what is right. This song reminds us to trust in God’s justice and know that God is in control and has the ultimate plan, even when we fail to trust in God or doubt that the plan is just.


We’re glad that you’ve joined us! Please contact our Pastor, Chadd Hafer, if you have any prayer requests, questions or feedback from our online service

Our current sermon series

Today, Pastor Chadd will be speaking from Deuteronomy 32, about Moses’ final song to Israel. Please contact Chadd if you are willing to record and share some of your reflections from this series next Sunday (31 May), the final Sunday of this series. You will need to have this prepared by Wed night.

Regular giving and St Paul’s Pantry:

As our world continues to be impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, there are many people in our local community who are being placed under severe hardship. Please contact Pastor Chadd, Yen, Parisa or Margaret for information about how you can continue to support this valuable ministry. Thank you.

Also, please prayerfully consider what you can give as your act of worship and contribution to the ministries of God’s church. This is for those who are able to give, and we understand that for many, this is a difficult time. Our weekly budget targets are as follows:

  • General fund: ($22,540)
  • Mission fund: ($4,722)
  • Building fund: (remaining target to raise $404,000)

Covid-19 update

You can read the latest diaconate update here.

Glue Stick Youth…

are hosting “The only uncancelled event” for all high schoolers on YouTube live at the Glue Stick Youth channel. Invite your friends and youth to join us for a night of fun, fellowship, testimony and a Bible talk. It will be on the 29th May 7:30-8:30pm. For further details, please contact Pastor Dan Chieng.


Latest church bulletin E_CP10_May-24-2020 Web(PDF).

Congregational prayer

Take some time now to pray together for the points below, interceding for the world and people around us and giving thanks to God for being our Almighty Father who loves and cares for us.

If you have breakout rooms, you may want to divide into different groups to pray in smaller groups. At the end, perhaps the person who is leading or hosting the service can close in prayer before you move on to singing.

  • Pray for our church leaders – that God will give them wisdom as they
    consider how to recommence meeting together safely, as government restrictions are slowly eased.
  • Pray for other countries and their people that are struggling with COVID-19 e.g. USA, India, Russia, UK
  • Pray for people’s mental health in this time and their livelihoods.
  • Thank God for being our Provider spiritually and practically, and his constancy throughout this time. Thank God that we can ask for His help anywhere and anytime as we go about our daily lives during times of distress.
  • Pray for Phil and Irene Nicholson, serving as missionaries in Taiwan and beyond:
    – Give thanks that most ministries can continue in Taiwan as the country has been protected from the worst of the pandemic:

    • Pray for pastors to have wisdom to know whether to continue, to rearrange, or to cancel planned meetings.
    • Pray for God’s people to have faith in their heavenly Father rather than give in to fear and through this to be a witness to those around them.
    • Pray for Phil to have wisdom to know what to take on and for good discipline to work well without many deadlines or structures.


Despite any fears, angers, disappointments or confusions in our lives, we can remember that the one constant we have is God’s love. Our love fails, our expectations have flaws but we always have assurance that God takes care of us, even when we don’t pursue Him. Let’s remember His loving nature and always be willing to be with Him.

Give online

using bank transfer, Card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Regular members can give online as an act of worship.

General fund

BSB: 082080
Account number 482436244

Mission fund

BSB: 082080
Account: 528560495

Building fund

BSB: 082451
Account: 739320475

Bible reading and Sermon

Today’s passage comes from Deuteronomy 32 and will be read in the sermon video below.

Kids ministry

Click below to see latest KM slides for the parents and many more resources from Colin Buchanan, Quizworx and Church at Home.

Start Kids Ministry

Response and reflection

If you’re on your own then you may want to write down some personal responses. If you’re meeting with others online then take some time to share questions or reflections you may have, or ways in which you’ve been challenged by God’s word today:

  1. What methods will you use to keep God’s word and his salvation story hidden in your heart and mind?
  2. What temptations are around you that might entice you away from Christ? And what disciciplines will you practice to remind yourself that he’s the rock that doesn’t roll

That marks the end of our online service today.  May the Lord help us to love Him with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength.  Amen!