Our Ministries

Church is more than a building where we gather on Sundays. Instead, we are a community of Christ’s disciples who seek to love one another and carry on the work that Jesus enables us to do.

Young Children

0 to 5 years

kidstime@cp meets every Tuesday morning at our church hall. We spend time with local mums, dads and their young children – sharing songs, stories, snacks and playtime together.

Kids' Ministry

Preschool to Year 6

The aim of our Sunday Kids’ Ministry is to communicate the Bible to our children in fun and meaningful ways. We focus on the unfolding story of God’s love for his people, revealed through his son Jesus.

Youth Groups

12 to 18 years

The aim of our youth group is to build Christian communities for our high schoolers and to encourage them to live as Christ’s disciples.

Glue meets Friday nights at our Strathfield campus and cpHigh the first Sunday of every month, before the service.

Home Groups


Home groups are smaller communities of cp10 adults who meet regularly in people’s homes.

These groups focus on building close relationships by discussing the Bible together, prayer and mutual encouragement.

Our home groups are vital to the life of our church community and key to our groups as Jesus’ disciples.

Local & Global Mission

We believe God wants all people to know Him.

We have a history of sending out local and global missionaries to tell people about the good news of Jesus Christ. We are committed to supporting these workers financially, through our prayers and in other practical ways.

We also work with other churches and our local council to participate in community outreach, especially during the Christmas and Easter seasons.

Some of our other activities

SALT Forums

Guest speakers, interesting topics and lively discussions to help us understand how to Speak, Act, Live and Think like Christ.


Spending time together away from the busy-ness of our daily lives to focus on fellowship, learning from the Bible and getting to know each other better in a fun and relaxed environment.

Carols on the Lawn

Remembering and celebrating the wonderful and joyful birth of our Lord Jesus Christ – our annual Carols event is full of vibrant music, Christmas carols, Bible readings and kids’ drama.

Prayer Meetings

On the first Sunday of each month we gather together on the lawn to pray for our church, community, nation and world. We often also join together with our other congregrations to pray as one church family.