Bulletin Announcements – 12 April 2015

  • Ladies Fellowship 2015: Come join us at our first meetup on 19th April, 10:30am at Alice Cheng’s place. This is a good opportunity to meet other women in the church and enjoy cross generational fellowship! For more information, please talk to Solan Chiu or Betty Wong.
  • Children Ministry Announcement: Holiday program is on for today (12 April) and next week (19 April) for our Sunday school classes. Term 2 will start 21 April (Play Group) and 26 April (Sunday school).
  • Save the Date! Ladies fellowship will be hosting a Mothers’ Day Special Afternoon Tea on Saturday the 9th May (2-4pm) in the upper hall. Watch this space for more details coming soon!
  • Please be informed that the roof repair works to the Upper Hall will be carried out from 13/4 to 24/4. During this period the church carpark will be closed.


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. (John 21:12 NIV)

This verse is easily understood. The disciples weren’t doubting, just the opposite, it’s precisely because they knew who Jesus was that they dared not ask him. However, the fullness of this verse can be missed. The reason being we easily read over the dread, intimacy, and immensity of the situation. Consider carefully the words; “None of the disciples dared ask him,…” Can you feel the dread here? They are in fearful awe of Jesus. This man has power over nature – he is Lord of it. There is also deep intimacy here. They are sharing a very personal moment with him – a meal. He even passes them the bread and fish! Jesus is their loving Lord providing them with sustenance after a long hard night of fishing. Lastly, there is a sense of immensity here as they realise the resurrected Jesus is Lord. Nothing has changed yet everything has changed; it’s not that Jesus has risen but that the Lord Jesus has risen. Understand this; Jesus your Lord has risen. If you don’t feel the dread, intimacy, and immensity of that statement then you’re missing out on something very special.

                  from Pastor Ariel