Bulletin Announcements – 29 March 2015

  • Public profession of faith: If you have you become a Christian through repentance of your sins and trusting faith in the Lord Jesus, there will be an opportunity for you to publicly declare that faith by baptism or confirmation on the 24 May. A preparation group has just commenced. Please indicate your interest to Rev Ariel Kurilowicz.
  • Children Ministry Announcement: Today is the last day of Term 1 for Sunday school. Term 2 will start 26 April 2015. We will have holiday program on 5, 12 and 19 April. There will be no Kids program for Good Friday (3 April). Please make sure that your kids are in your care. Term 1 for Play Group will end 31 April. Term 2 will start 21 April.
  • Save the Date! Ladies fellowship will be hosting a Mothers’ Day Special Afternoon Tea on Saturday the 9th May (2-4pm) in the upper hall. Watch this space for more details coming soon!
  • Daylight saving time ends next Sunday, so set your clocks backward one hour!


Ariel writes – a weekly Scriptural devotion:

For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. (Psalm 22:24 NIV)

Yes, Jesus was abandoned on the cross by his Father in so much as he lifted his protective hand and let Jesus’ enemies crucify him. There is no denying this. Many times in Jesus ministry he was protected by his Father for “his hour had not yet come” (John 8:20). But now his hour had indeed come, it was time for him to suffer! (Matthew 26:45) He bore our sins and it was through death that God saved him. The Father heard his Son’s cry for help because of how humbly he submitted to him, even unto death (Hebrews 5:7) This teaches us three profound truths. Firstly, in Jesus we have a God who understands our suffering for he suffered too. Secondly, through Jesus we learn that at times it might be the Father’s will to lift his protective hand and let us suffer too. And finally, like Jesus (Hebrews 5:8) we too must learn obedience to God’s will if he calls us to suffer. The question you must honestly ask yourself is; “Am I ready to be used by God in this way as was Jesus?”

                  from Pastor Ariel