WS Online – 5 July 2020

Interactive service outline for Church at Home

Welcome to WS Online!

Welcome to our English online service at West Sydney Chinese Christian Church! 

It’s good to have you joining us to worship Jesus. At WS, we’re all about being a people of God, growing in Christ and reaching out with the Gospel until Jesus returns. So isn’t it amazing now that we can meet in person in small group, catch up with others to read the bible and pray, invite people over for a meal.

If this is your first time joining us, a very warm welcome to you.  We would love to get to know you more.  Below this video, there is a link for you to fill in your contact details.  We will get in touch with you to help you to plug into our church community and help you to find out more about Jesus.

Today, we will start a short series on joy. And Pastor Wayne will speak to us about finding joy in Jesus. It’s easy now with things being uncertain, and massive changes in our lives, whether it’s to do with our job, relationship or health, it’s easy for us to lose that joy we once had. So how can we find that joy again?  Stay tuned for that.  

Over the next hour, we have the privilege of connecting with God and hearing what He has to say to us. Quite simply, we have the tools to do this through prayer, songs of praise and God’s word to us in the Bible. 

This service is designed in such a way to accommodate for both families and groups worshipping together but also for those who wish to follow along by themselves. Our online Sunday School materials are available here:

Service Video

Interactive Service Outline

Our call to worship

As we begin today’s service please read with us from Psalm 146:5-6.

Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD their God.
6 He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea,
and everything in them – he remains faithful forever.

Opening prayer

God of all creation, we thank you that you are the source of our hope. You promise a hope that will never perish spoil or fade. The hope of eternal life, the hope of a relationship with you, creator and sustainer of all things. Thank you. Please help us to once again be reminded of the hope we have in you throughout the service today.

In Jesus’ name.


Opening songs

Let’s sing our opening song bring
Hallelujah to the king of kings

Our second song gives us reason to rejoice. Rejoice


Here are some items of news for us as a church family.

GlueStick Youth is launching their brand new T-shirt and Hoodie designed by the youth themselves. If you wish to look young and cool again as well as supporting the ministry of GlueStick, please place your order through the link provided: 

We will hold Communion after each English Service on Sunday 12th July. This will be live streamed immediately following the service. Under our Covid reintegration plan, a limited number can join in person, and will need to register via our Eventbrite link. If joining from home, you can join the service through Zoom.

Strathfield 9am Communion Service

9:00am-10:00am      |    Video Service

10:00am-10:10am    |    Communion in person at church / live stream over Zoom

Join In-person:

25 places available

Register at EventBrite:

Join via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 867 7889 3063
Password: 783760

Strathfield 4:30pm Communion Service

4:30pm-5:30pm    |    Video Service

5:30pm-5:40pm    |    Communion in person at church / live stream over Zoom

Join In-person:

30 places available

Register at EventBrite:

Join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 828 1311 1557
Password: 185324

Congregational Prayer

Heavenly Father, we praise you for your great and precious gospel promises in the Lord Jesus Christ, we praise you for the gift of forgiveness, gift of salvation, gift of adoption in your family, for the gift of your Holy Spirit, for the gift of fellowship among your people even though it’s online. We praise you for the gift of joy, the joy of knowing that we are yours and nothing can ever snatch us out of your hands.  

Today we come to you not by our own merits but by the merits of Christ. We have sinned against. We seek to find joy in our wealth, in our relationship, in our career, in our reputation, rather than in Jesus. Please forgive us and restore the joy of our salvation and help us to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel so that the name of Jesus would be lifted up high in our lives. 

Father, we thank you for the joy of belonging to the WS church family. We want to pray for our church members, that you will build them up to be a people of God, growing in Christ and reaching out with the Gospel until Jesus returns. Lord, we long for that day when Jesus returns but until then, keep our eyes fixed on him and persevere with the race that you have marked out for us.  We pray for those who are feeling isolated and lonely, that they might be comforted with your presence and the presence of brothers and sisters in Christ here. We pray for those who are sick, that they might be healed from their sickness. 

We also want to pray for those who are the frontline healthcare workers in our church, in Australia and around the around. They are risking their lives to help those affected by the virus.  Please watch over them, and protect them. Shield them from the virus and strengthen them when they are feeling weary.  

Father, we also want to pray for something that is worse than the virus, that is our sin. We pray that you will continue to deliver more people from their sins through the Gospel. That we as your people, will be your ambassador for the message of hope and joy in Jesus. Give us boldness and opportunities to proclaim the name of Jesus. Prepare the harvest for us Lord here in Sydney, and overseas, so that your name may be made known to all people. Sustain our missionaries during this time and give them encouragement by giving fruits in their Gospel ministry.  

We pray now as Pastor Wayne bring us the message from the Bible, that we will truly find joy in Jesus.  In His name we pray. 


Bible reading

The reading for today comes from Psalm 126:1-6 (NIV)

1 When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. 2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” 3 The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.4 Restore our fortunes, LORD, like streams in the Negev. 5 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. 6 Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.


Today we’ll hear from Pastor Wayne Mok as he speaks on the topic of “Finding Joy in Jesus” Please listen here to the recording:

Please listen here to the recording:

Offering Song

We come to a time in the service when we have the opportunity to worship God through offering, in giving back to the Lord a portion of what he has given to us. Even though we cannot all meet together in one building, we have still made our commitment to financially support our pastors, missionaries, and ongoing church expenses. 

Because an offering bag cannot be passed around, please make your electronic offerings to church via these accounts. 

  • General fund: BSB 082 080. Acc 48 243 6244. Name: WSCCC. 
  • Mission fund: BSB 082 080. Acc 52 856 0495. Name: WSCCC. 
  • Building fund: BSB 082 451. Acc 73 932 0475. Name: WSCCC. 

You can also give online through this link:

Our offering song is – No other name.

Offering Prayer

Lord, thank you that you continue to sustain us financially as a church through electronic means. We pray that the money collected will be used wisely by our leaders for the work of the church, for the community around us and for the growth and glory of your kingdom. In Jesus name,


Closing prayer and benediction

Please continue to contemplate all you have heard from Scripture today, and please take the opportunity this week to share with your family and friends.

As we approach the coming week, let’s finish with Paul’s blessing from 2 Corinthians 13

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all evermore.

Connect with us! If you’d like to get in touch with us, join a small group online, or find out more about Christianity, fill out a response card here: Response Form.