Online service, Palm Sunday

Welcome to our Palm Sunday service

Watch the introduction video before continuing (4:21)

Songs of worship

This week we are learning a new song, so just sit back and watch and learn if you’re unfamiliar with the song or sing along if you know it!

Play the songs below and join the worship.


Read the anncements and consider how you might respond to each one.

Gospel Series

We continue our series in the three ‘synoptic’ Gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke). Pastor Chadd will be speaking to us today from Mark 11 about Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.

St Paul’s Pantry Ministry

Please continue to remember those in our local community who are going through severe hardship by supporting St Paul’s Pantry. There is a messager group which Yen Tee sends what is needed in the pantry – please contact Yen if you would like to be in it.

Please contact Pastor Chadd, Yen, Parisa or Margaret for information about how you can continue to support this valuable ministry.

Easter services

There will be online services for both Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Look out for the service email next week. Sign up to receive updates if you don’t already receive our weekly email newsletter.

Congregational prayer

Pray now individually or later, with your home group, when you meet online.

  • Pray for God to stop the spread of the virus and that it will recede going forward. We pray for God to intervene today with His loving care.
  • Pray for those who are sick, suffering or who have lost jobs. Pray they would continue to seek out God and find comfort in Him.
  • Pray for the government and world leaders with wisdom and compassion as they make important decisions on behalf of their people.
  • Pray for WSCCC and that we continue to be faithful to God and care for each other during this time.
  • Pray for the offering that it can be used for His Kingdom . Pray for continued generosity and providence from God.


Please prayerfully consider how you can support the church through offertory, even now when we can’t meet physically.

Give online using your card or scroll down to set up bank transfers. You can set up an regular transfer to the following bank accounts in your online banking. This usually does not involve fees to you or the church.

Give online

using bank transfer, Card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

A chance for regular members to give as an act of worship.

General fund

BSB: 082080
Account number 482436244

Mission fund

BSB: 082080
Account: 528560495

Building fund

BSB: 082451
Account: 739320475

Play the video to start the offertory song.

Special item

Watch the Palm Sunday skit, read by Tiffany and Gavin.

Bible reading and Sermon

Today we continue our series in the three synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark & Luke; from Mark 11 about Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.

Play the next video to watch and listen to the prayer, Bible reading and Sermon (23:47).

Kids ministry

Alternatively, parents, please use the interactive resources in this week’s kids church to minister to your children.

Response and reflection

If you’re on your own then you may want to write down some personal responses. If you’re meeting with others online then take some time to share questions or reflections you may have, or ways in which you’ve been challenged by God’s word today:

  1. How will you use this time to pause and reflect upon your relationship with Jesus?
  2. How will you use your spiritual gifts to help build up his spiritual house (church)?
  3. How can you use this time to make Christ’s know to all people?

Play the the final song of response. At the conclusion of this song, please take time to reflect on what you’ve heard.

Closing prayer and Fellowship

Take time to fellowship together in your home groups online. Don’t forget to ask each other how you can pray for one another during the coming week.

Have a good day. I look forward to sharing with you next week. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests.

“Heavenly Father, thanks for the privilege of meeting with you and with one another today. Now go with us into the week ahead and help us to be your salt of the earth and light of the world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Warmly, Chadd

Did you know you can meet with others online after each Sunday’s service and during the week? Leave your details below and we’ll connect you to an online small group.