7 Questions About Easter

During Easter 2018, our church will be looking at the final events of Jesus’ earthly life that we celebrate each Easter.  And we’ll be asking a pointed question about each event:

  1. The Passover – Why was Jesus’ last meal on earth so special?
  2. The Garden of Gethsemane – What did Jesus wrestle over in prayer before his death?
  3. The Sanhedrin – Why did the Jewish leaders condemn Jesus to death?
  4. The Roman trial – Why did Pilate seal Jesus’ death?
  5. Jesus’ crucifixion – Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?  (Good Friday – Strathfield 9am only)
  6. Jesus’ resurrection – Why did Jesus make supernatural resurrection appearances? (Easter Sunday – Strathfield 9am and 4:30pm)
  7. Jesus’ ascension – Why did Jesus need to be taken up into heaven?

Easter is arguably the most significant date in the Christian calendar, and it is also at the heart of the Gospel message.  This is a great opportunity for us to look at the historical events of that first Easter and why they are so significant.

Note: Easter Services

Good Friday service will be held at 9am (not 4:30pm).  We’ll take this opportunity to come together again after launching our new service, and celebrate Good Friday together.

Easter Sunday Services will run at both 9am and 4:30pm